King Ryan McBride vs Brandon Scott at MCW 11/14/15
May 12, 2016 zala Pro Wrestling tags: Brandon Scott, Bruiser, GIFs, Ken Dixon, MCW Autumn Armageddon, MCW Pro Wrestling, Ryan McBride, The Dixon Line, The Ecktourage, The Hell Cats 0 comments

GIFs: The Bruiser vs King McBride at MCW Shamrock Cup
September 30, 2015 zala Pro Wrestling tags: Bruiser, GIFs, MCW Pro Wrestling, MCW Shamrock Cup, Ryan McBride 0 comments

King Ryan McBride at MCW Shane Shamrock Memorial Cup 15
September 29, 2015 zala Pro Wrestling tags: MCW Pro Wrestling, MCW Shamrock Cup, Ryan McBride 0 comments