Lucha Underground’s Johnny Mundo w/ Melina vs Killshot at MCW
April 07, 2016 zala Pro Wrestling tags: GIFs, John Hennigan, Johnny Mundo, Killshot, MCW Pro Wrestling, MCW Tribute to Legends, Melina, Shane Strickland 0 comments

Video: Trevor Lee vs Shane “Swerve” Strickland at MCW 4/24/15
April 05, 2016 zala Pro Wrestling, Video tags: fancam, Killshot, MCW Homecoming, MCW Pro Wrestling, Shane Strickland, Trevor Lee 0 comments

Video: Melina Throws Johnny Mundo and Killshot a Superkick Party
October 05, 2015 zala Pro Wrestling, Video tags: fancam, GIFs, John Hennigan, Johnny Mundo, Killshot, MCW Pro Wrestling, MCW Tribute to Legends, Melina, Shane Strickland 0 comments

MCW Shane Shamrock Cup 2015 – Final 6 Way Elimination Match GIFs
October 03, 2015 zala Pro Wrestling tags: Black Wall Street, Brandon Scott, Drolix, Eddie Edwards, GIFs, Killshot, Lio Rush, Matt Cross, MCW Pro Wrestling, MCW Shamrock Cup, Shane Strickland, Son of Havoc 0 comments

Tower of Doom Spot with Matt Cross, Shane Strickland, Lio Rush and Drolix
October 01, 2015 zala Pro Wrestling tags: Black Wall Street, Drolix, GIFs, Killshot, Lio Rush, Matt Cross, MCW Pro Wrestling, MCW Shamrock Cup, Shane Strickland, Son of Havoc 0 comments

Shane “Swerve” Strickland (LU’s Killshot)
August 29, 2015 zala Pro Wrestling tags: Killshot, MCW Pro Wrestling, MCW Shamrock Cup, Shane Strickland 0 comments