Bruiser, Fenix Fury, Kai Katana, Hoss Hagood, Ecktourage & Fed Up at MCW 11/14/15
May 13, 2016 zala Pro Wrestling tags: Bruiser, Fed Up, Fenix Fury, GIFs, Hoss Hagood, Kai Katana, MCW Autumn Armageddon, MCW Pro Wrestling, The Ecktourage 0 comments

Jake “The Snake” Roberts & “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase at MCW Tribute to Legends 2015
April 04, 2016 zala Pro Wrestling tags: Bo Nekoda, Fed Up, Hoss Hagood, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Kai Katana, MCW Pro Wrestling, MCW Tribute to Legends, Oakley Woods, Ted DiBiase 0 comments

Lio Rush vs Kai Katana at MCW Shane Shamrock Cup 15
September 05, 2015 zala Pro Wrestling tags: Kai Katana, Lio Rush, MCW Pro Wrestling, MCW Shamrock Cup 0 comments

Kai Katana at MCW Shane Shamrock Memorial Cup
August 29, 2015 zala Pro Wrestling tags: black and white, Kai Katana, MCW Pro Wrestling, MCW Shamrock Cup 0 comments