Mickie James vs Amber Rodriguez at MCW 11/14/15
May 05, 2016 zala Pro Wrestling tags: Amber Rodriguez, GIFs, MCW Autumn Armageddon, MCW Pro Wrestling, Mickie James, Womens Wrestling 0 comments

Mickie James & Fenix Fury vs Amber Rodriguez & Chuck Lennox at MCW Tribute to Legends ’15
April 06, 2016 zala Pro Wrestling tags: Amber Rodriguez, Black Wall Street, Chuck Lennox, Fenix Fury, GIFs, MCW Pro Wrestling, MCW Tribute to Legends, Mickie James, Womens Wrestling 0 comments

Video: Mickie James vs Amber Rodriguez ft. Lisa Marie Varon & Melina Perez at MCW Ladies Night
February 10, 2016 zala Pro Wrestling, Video tags: Amber Rodriguez, fancam, GIFs, Lisa Marie Varon, MCW Ladies Night, MCW Pro Wrestling, Melina, Mickie James, Womens Wrestling 0 comments