John Hennigan, accompanied by Melina Perez, faced Shane “Swerve” Strickland at MCW’s Tribute to Legends 2015. After the match, Melina asked the crowd to sing Happy Birthday to John since it was his birthday. Swerve’s birthday was also earlier in the week. She then surprised both Hennigan and Strickland with a superkick for each.
John Hennigan currently wrestles for Lucha Underground as Johnny Mundo, and is formerly known as John Morrison in the WWE.
Shane Strickland also wrestles in Lucha Underground as Killshot.
Event: MCW Tribute to Legends 2015
Location: MCW Arena, Joppa, MD
Date: October 3, 2015
Camera: LG G3 (Smartphone)
GIF: Melina superkicks Johnny Mundo